Journey to a Healthy Life Style

31 Days of Healthy Living

Feeling good on the inside and outside is important. We all want to be confident in how we look as well as have the ability to complete activities without feeling sluggish. Being able to accomplish this requires hard work and dedication. Are you up for the challenge to live a healthy life? If so, let’s jump start this lifestyle with 31 days of strict dedication to changing unhealthy habits. Below are 11 steps to do so.

1.      4-5 small meals a day
2.      No Fried Foods
3.      Only chicken, fish, turkey
4.      5 days of cardio
a.      Cardio helps to get your heart rate up
                                                              i.      You burn more calories at one time -
                                                            ii.      You can easily add intensity to increase your calorie burn -
                                                          iii.      It adds to your overall calorie deficit
5.      Use Saturday to incorporate a new workout 
a.      This can include taking a hike, rock climbing, bike riding, horseback riding, etc.
6.      No sweets
7.      No more than one cup of 100% juice a day
8.      Eat dairy in strict moderation
9.      NO alcohol
a.      Studies have shown that alcohol consumption can slow fat metabolism by as much as 73%. Thus, consuming alcoholic drinks with high fat content (like drinks with cream) increases the amount of fat that is stored in your body.
10.      No foods with added preservatives
11.      While watching TV, try to add mini workouts. Set a goal to do sit-ups until your TV show comes back on. You will be amazed at how much you can complete in 3 minutes. 

Before you say, “Man this is too much”, keep in mind I can do all this through Christ who strengthens me. –(See Phil 4:13) Your workouts can give glory to God. You can pray while you walk, meditate while you swim or simply put yourself in God’s presence in the weight room. Take care of your temple and allow God to dwell in a clean place (Spiritually and physically). “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.”  (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

I believe you can do it!

Remember: Don’t make exercise a half-hearted endeavor!

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